Schiller- Where I’m From: Oregon

Learning new technology is both exciting and dreadful for me. While I catch on pretty quickly to more traditional reading, writing, speaking, and listening activities, some technology assignments take me twice as long as usual to complete. Exploring and getting to know my options is fun and helpful, but it is also a bit stressful if I cannot make the technology do what I want it to. Haiku Deck was no exception.

However, even before experimenting with the technology, I thought this particular assignment was going to be difficult. Picking just a single place to present? I have lived so many places. When Peter suggested the state of Oregon, I relaxed. The majority of where I’ve lived in my life has been the state of Oregon, a state I love dearly. So, I felt at ease and excited about completing the project. Not only could I express my love for Oregon but so could I share its often secret nature of diversity.

I originally wanted to demonstrate Oregon’s diversity in a single slide, juxtaposing multiple photos. Nope. Not happening. Haiku Deck limits a user to a single photo per slide. So, I compromised. Over the course of 18 slides, I hope you enjoy a brief history of my life and enjoy Oregon’s diverse, luxurious beauty throughout! If there’s one thing Haiku Deck gets right, it’s high-definition photos. To add a bit of personal flare, I added some of my own. Thanks, everyone!

Where I’m From: Oregon – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires;