Genesis- This is my story

“In the Beginning,” there is book and in that book there is the first page of writing; my page. I am the author of this book or posts. My stories are written and these stories help me express the things I love.

Some of my favorite posts that I did during this course were creating a haiku in just 4 minutes! You are the artist, paint what comes to mind. Show your talent on the canvas and let your words blossom. Follow this guide and you will master this skill that you can use in your classes or elsewhere

Another post that was my favorite was called “Looking Deeper Within the Picture.” They say a picture can tell a thousand words, I say that it could explain even more. Think of any picture and give three questions. If you see The Great Wave of Kanagawa, one of your questions could be, “what is the history behind the style of paint,” or “how do you feel when looking at a majestic painting.” With those questions, your eyes will begin to see something greater.

And the last post that I will showcase has something to do with change. The title for my final project is called “Into the Civil Rights Movement: A New World. During the Civil Rights Movement, one word could sum up the whole era; that word was “change.” In this lesson, I would ask students, “How are the events during the Civil Rights Movement  of the 1960s similar or different from the contemporary protest for civil rights and racial equality?” During this year of 2020, there have been a number of racial incidents. We need to fight for change. The fight for change doesn’t start in the next year, it starts now.

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Into the Civil Rights Movement: A New World

Target Audience: 11th grade U.S. history- in-person

Introduction/Content: This unit will help your understanding of the events that happened in the Civil Rights Movements as well as comparing the events that are happening right now. I feel like this topic is meaningful because there are events in the world right now such as racism and hatred that no one knows its origin.

Process/in-class assignment:

  • 2020 has seen a dramatic increase in Americans demand for civil rights and racial equality. Your objective is to create a poster board with your team to identify 3 specific demands that today’s protest groups have made. What would be that cause and how would other people view it?
  • The poster should have pictures or quotes from the Civil Rights Movements talking how they demand change or something in 2020 about how the coronavirus takes a toll on Asian-Americans.
  • In addition to using the resources for this project, students are encouraged to use recently written articles related to racism.

Guiding Question: “How are the events during the Civil Rights Movement  of the 1960s similar or different from the contemporary protest for civil rights and racial equality?” 

When reading these sources, think about the questions and guidelines below.


  1. Library of Congress: Youth in the Civil Rights Movement
  • Why did the youth have such a powerful role in the Civil Rights Movement?
  • What did it take for the youth to realize that something needs to change?

2. Crash Course- Civil Rights Movement video

  • Why did schools want to separate the white students with the ones of color?
  • What role does Rosa Park play in the Civil Rights Movement?

3. Health Equity Considerations and Racial and Ethnic Minority Groups

  • What is the message in this article?

Video citation 4. I Have a

  • How does Dr. King say his speech? (Ex: does he say it with a sense of urgency or demand?)
Picture citation 4. United
  • Do you think there is a significance with the crossing of arms?
Image Citation . 5- We demand
  • In the image above, what is the message that these people are presenting?

Advice on the using the resource as a question: Think about what caused an uprising and how the Civil Rights Movement started. What made a small voice turn into a loud cry? And finally how will you project your voice to the public? Make your voice speak volume!

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Straight out of Seattle or White Center

Seattle, a city located in the state of Washington and is famous for its rainy weathers year round. I call the city of Seattle my home for 21 years. In Seattle, I have lived in a sub-city called White Center which is between West Seattle (North) and Burien (South). I’ve always wondered what my area was like back then. Was it diverse or was one race dominating the area?

I just immigrated to Seattle from the Philippines looking for work and wanting a new life here in America. I was the only one that went to Seattle or let alone the U.S. while the rest of my family is in the Philippines. The blue dot is where I lived, but unfortunately it wasn’t the new life I anticipated. I am mostly living within the “D8” district which was also red meaning hazardous. According to the description of D8,

“Sparsely settled district lacking adequate street improvements, schools, recreational facilities etc. Transportation is an acute problem. Future assessments will create an excessive burden incidental to home ownership in this area.”

What this means is that the area that I am currently live in is a bad area; it is underdeveloped. 22% of Seattle that was recorded in the 40s is considered hazardous. The demographics show that 368,302 was the total population. 16.2% were foreign-born white and 0.8% is foreign-born Japanese. This is extremely hard because there aren’t a lot of Filipinos in the area. On top of that, most of the area is in the red, if I want to work there. Observing the areas that surround mine, it looks like mine is either the biggest or second biggest when combining districts “B18” and “B19.” What district “D8” needs is a second chance to be viewed. The hazardous is only bad because people labeled us that way.

Fast forward to the present day, you can say that White Center has evolved through out the years. More buildings and roads that connect. In addition to that, a Seattle Times article says that, “White Center is among the most diverse areas in King County, with 60 percent communities of color, according to the 2010 U.S. Census.” Although the city still does sometimes gets a bad reputation by calling it “ghetto,” I am proud to be living here in White Center.

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Jesus Christ- the God

During my life as a catholic I wondering if Jesus was the Man whom he says he is. I was curious to see if it was true and what kind of power he had. He was born on December 25 and lived his live fully. As he aged, Jesus made miracles by changing water into wine, feeding 5,000, healing a blind man, and a lot more.

But what if it wasn’t Jesus? What if all that Jesus did was just another person. It makes you wonder why was Jesus here? I can understand if I saw him him do a “miracle,” but I would have to see it to believe it. That doesn’t mean I am not a follower of Christ, but how does something that is supernatural happen like that?

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