Effective 1:1 Teaching or Lost on Deserted Island?

CCC boy, asleep, Bar Harbor, Mt. Desert Island, Maine
CCC boy, asleep, Bar Harbor, Mt. Desert Island, Maine

Prompt:  Assume you have your first full time teaching job and the principal tells you that you’ve been selected to pilot the  “1 to 1 Project.”  What are your thoughts about the opportunities and challenges that  presents?

I honestly felt a bit confused and scared by the “1:1” teaching with the iPads. I do a fairly decent job with technology and am not really worried about that issue. The greater challenge was seeing the class progress from an excited group of highly educated adults to adolescent teenagers taking obscure pictures of each other and searching for unrelated data within 15 minutes.

I think properly implementing the technology of “1:1” in the class room would take a real commitment on the part of the teacher. Strict guidelines and clear expectations would have to be in place as well as a focused and usable format in order to get the most out of the opportunity. It’s not just enough “use it because we have it” as far as tech. A poorly designed and poorly delivered PowerPoint/iPad presentation can bore a student’s to tears just as quickly as a standard lecture.

Image Credit:



[CCC boy, asleep, Bar Harbor, Mt. Desert Island, Maine]

Call Number

LOT 12736, no. 1320 [P&P]

Source Collection

Van Vechten, Carl, 1880-1964. American scenes

Library of Congress Catalog Number


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