Learning about 20th Century History in the 21st Century

Featured Images Sources: Upper left, upper right, lower right, lower left

Target Student Group:

The target group would be freshman high school students who are learning about the 20th century. The first quiz could be used to introduce the topic to the students and allowing (attempting to have) the students to be curious about the topic. This will help their engagement in the material. The second quiz would be geared towards being a post-assessment where students can have a choice on which path they would like to take.

Context for the Lessons:

The first quiz would be great to be used in a flipped learning class to introduce students to Cesar Chavez. The students would be able to learn about Cesar Chavez and answer questions about him. Then, whatever they did not understand or got wrong on the mini-quiz, the students would be able to have that discussion in class or over the virtual learning platform.

The second quiz would be used as a post-assessment while giving students choice. The students would be able to pick a track to answer questions regarding perspectives during the annexation of Hawai’i. The purpose of this is to allow the students to have an opportunity to choose their test within the limits of what I have taught them.

Links to Google Forms:

Quiz 1

Quiz 2

Fountains of Knowledge: Using Google Forms to pre-assess and expand information about the Spanish Reconquista

(Featured Image Source)

Lesson Background

Target Group:
I envision these forms being used as an introduction and post-lesson supplement for an 11th grade history course. This class is about to spend a unit learning about Moorish Spain and the Reconquista as an introduction into the Age of Exploration by Christian kingdoms in Europe.

Context for Lesson:
The first form is a pre-assessment/introduction to the topic with a short video and image. The second form is an opportunity for students to learn more about one or two specific topics related to the Reconquista that may not have been covered in class due to time constraints. Both of these are meant to provide supplementary material to a short unit.

Google Forms

Direct Links:
Form 1: The Reconquista Introduction
Form 2: The Reconquista Supplemental