Featured image from PICRYL.
This Google Form takes a “choose your own path” approach by prompting students which of the first four Crusades they want to review. Each overview has a brief description, a video, an image, and questions varying in type. The idea behind this Google Form is to be a flexible, supplemental review for students. Each overview is based on information that my CT covered in their Middle Ages unit, which was presented to 10th grade World History students.
Here is a direct link to the Google Form:
Matt, this is super cool. I like that you combined the “Choose your adventure” with the traditional quiz format. I didn’t even think to try that. It’s kind of like a customized learning experience, which is very unique. Nice job!
Matt! What a fantastic resource! It’s kind of like an online study guide with all the great resources you included. The quiz questions can also help students parcel out important details and info they want to remember. Great work!
Matt you gamified this lesson/quiz. That is literally astounding. You’ve made a quiz into something students might be eager to try and explore! I want to figure out how to do this kind of thing in my own Political Econ class! Well done!
Excellent demonstration of the power of Google Forms. Great examples of features: Using sections to select what to study. Adding a variety of content – images, text, video. Giving students feedback on their responses.
A first class example in a thoughtful post. Well done!