I am from sunshine, sunscreen and the ocean breeze
I am from freeways, tree-lined streets and houses as far as the eye can see
I am from four-hour road trips and classic rock music
I am from bar-b-ques and sports on the weekend
I am from surprise trips to Disneyland and dinner at the table
I am from the land of urban sprawl
The land of keeping up with appearances and the Joneses
I am from the land of redlining, zoning and pretty parks
I am from the land of years-long drought and the greenest grass you will ever see
I am from the land of track homes, convenience and idyllic suburbia
I am from two homes and split holidays
I am from two parents with a high-school diploma
I am from struggling to get through high school
I am from the best support system
I am from learning to enjoy the simple things in life, seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and finally figuring it out
I am from learning that education is everything
I am from needing to be and do more
And I am a first-generation college graduate who is going places