Reflection- Colonial Life

As a whole, I think this lesson went pretty well. It was a time for me to reflect on one of my lessons for my unit plan and see complications in it. Even though my presentation was not formal as in I was the teacher and the class was the students I found how I did it to be more beneficial for what I needed. I learned a lot and ended up changing the video for the Quick Response, which I think was a good move (for now). I decided it would be best for the students to watch that video at the end of the unit, when they have enough prior knowledge to understand that this was not the only story. So, thank you all for your help! It was greatly appreciated and I took a lot out of it.

Colonial Life: Through Multiple Perspective

Colonial Life Comparison chart Answers

Colonial Perspective lesson plan

Comparison Chart

Colonial Life Presentation


  1. Cite textual Evidence to Support Analysis of Primary and Secondary Sources
  2. Describe how a text presents information (e.g sequentially, comparatively, casually)
  3. Analyze and interpret historical material from a variety of historical perspectives in United States History


  1. By the end of this lesson, students should be able to describe and evaluate the quality of life in the colonies from the perspectives of various groups, including city dwellers, farmers, women, children, and different social classes.
  2. By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand what it meant to be an “American” during the 1750s through discussion of different perspectives of colonist.
  • Attached is my lesson plan, that goes into depth about the lesson
  • Attached is the compare worksheet

Lessons Modified from:

Colonies: Different Perspectives




Reflection- Boston Massacre

As a whole, I think this lesson went well. But, if I had to change anything I would easily change my ‘presentation” because it was not really a presentation. It was a video and it made the lesson extremely difficult due to the fact it made it hard to go back to a slide due to the time (3 second). Therefore, If I were to do it again I would make it a presentation and test it out before I gave the lesson. However, I would rather this happen in our classroom setting then in my actual classroom. But, all in all, when I do this lesson in my class I will change little. I will change the presentation format and give the students more time to complete the given tasks. The students will also have a guided worksheet to help them answer questions.

Boston Massacre- Through Primary Image Analysis Lesson Plan

Target Audience: 

8th grade humanities classroom. This lesson will follow the lead up to the American Revolution thus students will have the knowledge to understand why the American Revolution was inevitably was going to happen along with the different depictions of the colonist and the British.


This lesson will go into depth about the different perspectives of the Boston Massacre of 1770. Students will start the day by reading a Newsela article. For the purpose of this lesson (in methods) I have cut the length of the article down and set the reading level at the max. However, when I use this lesson in class they will fully read it along with having different levels of difficulty.  Followed by this will be the group work of deciphering the two different images. The more specific content of this lesson will be in the powerpoint below.

By the end of class, students should be able to answer a multitude of questions about the Boston Massacre, including:

  • what were the different perspectives f the Boston Massacre, which occurred on March 5, 1770?
  • What were two of the different perspectives of the Boston Massacre, which are depicted in the primary source images?
  • What was the lead up to the Boston Massacre? (3 big points on the powerpoint)

Students will also be able to:

  • Identify key detail that are in the primary source images

